Happy New Year!

It’s the last day of the year and while most of us are preparing for media noche, I took a quick look at my humble portfolio in the stock market through my online broker.

I chose to park a portion of my investment in the stock market instead of participating actively in trading because of other priorities. And looking at the status of my portfolio, I’m happy that it’s showing a positive (up) trend after seeing some of my stocks broke support levels in the past few weeks just like how the stock market dropped consecutively. And I’m hoping that it fully recovers and continues to move even higher in 2015.

And because I didn’t want to welcome the New Year with debts and payables, I paid my credit card balance in full. I also paid all our other bills that are due next week including PLDT, Sky Cable, and my Sun mobile postpaid plan. Thanks to online payment facilities for making this easier and convenient for us.  No need to go out of the house and wait in long queues at the bank and no need to worry about not being able to pay when the banks are closed on holidays because online banking is available 24/7.

Meanwhile, aside from the gifts (mostly toys and clothes) that our little girl received from her baptism in January and first birthday in October to Christmas of this year, she also received some monetary gifts which I’m planning to use to open an account either in stocks or mutual fund mainly for her education and other future needs. It’s not much but good enough to get started.

Eight hours to go and it’s hello 2015! My family is now busy preparing for the meals that we’re going to share tonight for our media noche. Whatever we have on our table for the New Year and whoever we celebrate it with, let’s all be grateful for all the things that happened in 2014 and lets welcome 2015 with love, faith and hope that we may all find happiness and greatness in everything we do, all for the Glory of God.

Happy New Year to all of us! 🙂