Want to Create your Own Blog? HIRE ME!

Have you been thinking about creating a blog but don’t know where to start?


I created my first blog from scratch in July 2014 even with no background or knowledge in web development and blogging. It was challenging but I learned and developed skills I never thought I would.

I enjoyed blogging and tweaking my websites and eventually it became a hobby. So far, I’ve already built 5 self-hosted blogs in different niches/topics and a few more coming up soon.

Now it’s your turn to create your own blog.

Don’t be intimidated.

I’ll share with you what I know about blogging and I’ll guide you in creating your first blog site from scratch!

I wished there was someone like me during the days that I was struggling to create my first blog. I learned it the hard way, but I have no regrets.

Now it’s my turn to share with you how I did it and how you too can do it.

YES, you can do it!


Don’t hire me if you want me to create your blog for you because I’m not a web developer. I’m not an expert. 

Hire me if you want me to guide you to create your own blog because I know how to teach and I’m passionate about it. 


Before I decided to create my own blog from scratch, I inquired and asked different bloggers and web developers how much would it cost me to hire them to create my blog.

Not much.

But I wanted to try it on my own without hiring anyone.

I spent several days and months searching and reading blogs about how to create a blog and the amount of information available on the internet was just overwhelming.

Until I finally decided to start creating my first blog…


It was hard.

I wasn’t sure of what I was doing and I didn’t know if I could actually see my blog live.

I almost gave up.

But I hang on and I pushed myself to continue what I had started and in the end, I got my first live blog up and running.

And I’m glad it’s still running up to this date that’s why you’re here. 🙂

Had I decided to hire someone to create my blog, I wouldn’t have known how to tweak settings or create my other blogs on my own. I would have been in constant communication with my web developer from time to time with a fee.

When I took the risk, not only did I learn how to create my own blog, but it also taught me how to be independent, to be persistent, and to never give up no matter what the situation is.

And that’s exactly what I want you to learn as well. 

So again, have someone else create your blog for you if you don’t want to be involved;

Or hire me if you want me to guide you to create your first blog.

It’s we (us) who will do it together, step-by-step, in creating your first blog from scratch.


Want to know my rates?

Ask me. Let’s talk. And Let’s Start! 🙂