Goodbye, JAS (Jackstones, Inc)

After putting JAS on HOLD for 4 long months, I finally sold it today at a loss. It’s difficult for me to sell a losing stock but I had to do it, otherwise, the loss would even get bigger.

I bought it in June 20, 2014 when the price was ranging from P5 to P5.5 per share. It seemed to be an active stock during that day or week so when it hit P5, I bought 2,000 shares thinking that it was a good opportunity. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen like I speculated.

One of the big mistakes in investing in the stock market is not researching enough about the stock. In short I, myself, just speculated and sadly, it didn’t work for JAS. Another lesson learned for me.

I actually had no plans of selling JAS this early but I received a TENDER OFFER from JAS to sell it at P2.7 per share. Based on how I understood the memo, JAS will be handled by another group of directors or company and will make it private which means that they’ll remove it from the public listing of the Philippine Stock Exchange. Having said that, they’re encouraging stock/shareholders to sell their remaining shares with JAS until November either through the tender offer which is P2.7 per share or by selling it directly based on the current market price.

Like I said earlier, I only have 2,000 shares of JAS which I bought at P5 per share and considering their tender offer of P2.7 per share, I don’t think it’s fair to let go of it at almost 50% loss. The market price of JAS as of this writing is P3.9 per share but the highest bid is P3.75. Without thinking twice, I sold all my remaining shares with JAS at 25% loss. Yes it’s a loss but it’s definitely better than the 50% loss if I accepted the tender offer.  

It’s also a good thing that I didn’t invest much on this stock. Had I invested more, for sure that 25% loss would be equivalent to a pale of tears and regrets.

Goodbye now, JAS (Jackstones, Inc)! I only had you 4 months ago but I stayed with you until the end of your public listing. I got my capital back at a loss but the lessons I learned were all worth it. Hope you get better and more successful in your new home. 

3 thoughts on “Goodbye, JAS (Jackstones, Inc)”

  1. Hello po,

    Just came across your blog while researching for financial tips online. Just read your latest posts and am looking forward to reading all others. I’m sure marami akong matututunan kasi stay at home mom din ako and wala rin akong active income as of the moment. Naalala ko rin nung bago pa ako nag open ng COL acct. SUper excited bumili ng stocks without researching or “tawad” sa prices..hehe..buti nlng medyo nag gain na port ko ngaun pero nakapag bili rin ako ng “loss” minsan kasi di na talaga tumaas until now..buti nlng nkapag isip ako na magbenta ng mas maaga., Looking forward to more posts! 🙂

    1. Hi Hazel, it’s nice to see you here at Pinay Investor 🙂

      Sabi ni Warren Buffet, “The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.”
      Pero parang ang hirap diba lalo na pag newbie investor lang 🙂
      For me, losing is part of the game and it teaches me a lot of lessons.
      Kaya kahit I lose minsan, tuloy pa din kasi dun ako mas natututo…
      Pero depende din yun sa self control natin..

      Anyways, thanks for you comment. Hope to see you here at PI nang mas madalas 🙂
      Medyo nabusy lang ako lately kaya limited lang ang posts ko but I’ll definitely post more interesting articles soon! Stay tuned! 🙂

      1. It’s important to invest in yourself first before jumping into this world of stocks trading/investing.. The chance of blowing up your account or losing your hard earned money is very high if you don’t have a trading plan. Take this advice from me who lost significant amount of money trading stocks. Until now I’m still trying to recover from those losses. But the lessons I’ve learned from those bad trades were priceless.

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