My Own Way of Saving the Lives of Other People

I attended a meeting today at Philamlife and I learned a lot of things from the speaker but I just want to share ONE important thing that touched me the most.

I usually write long posts but I’ll make this one short and sweet. 🙂

The main role of an Insurance Financial Advisor or Premier Agent (no matter what insurance company we’re from) is TO SAVE THE LIVES OF OTHER PEOPLE, mainly our clients.

I never expected that I would join the world of Insurance. My only purpose when I asked my friend who works in an Insurance Company was to know how I could avail of Life Insurance for myself and for my husband. And I never thought about getting one until we had our first child.

I guess you know what lies behind an Insurance Policy. It’s something that a lot of us are not interested to talk about but we know that IT IS IMPORTANT. I won’t be digging much into the details of having a life insurance because I know it’s kind of a sensitive matter and not a lot have an open mind to discuss things like this. But here’s my take on this…

Nobody wants anything negative to happen. But we all know that nothing is certain in this world. ANYTHING can happen. We just don’t know when.

When I got my own insurance, it somehow gave me that sense of security and peace of mind, not only for myself but also for my loved ones. But I’m not saying that you too should get one for yourself. I believe that having an insurance is not for everybody. It may sound like a contradiction to my role as a Financial Advisor but I’m just being honest. If you’re single, young, and no one depends on you, then you might not really need one, unless you want to or you have other reasons to have one for yourself.

I thought that if I am positive about having insurance, then maybe I can also share it to others. So, I joined Philamlife. I knew a lot of people have negative impressions and misconceptions about insurance and I respect them. But here’s what I have to say…

I joined the insurance company to touch and save other people’s lives.

I know this line has been overused and I’m sure you’ve heard of this a lot of times but honestly, this is what I live up to. This is my motivation and this is part of my advocacy of spreading financial literacy. And I’m sharing this not only because I am with Philamlife, but because this is what I believe in and I’m hoping that by doing this, I would somehow be able to add value to my life and the lives of other people.

Disclosure: I am a Licensed Financial Advisor of Philamlife. Should you be interested to know more about its products, you may contact me directly through my Contact Page. (Don’t worry, consultation is FREE! 🙂 )

4 thoughts on “My Own Way of Saving the Lives of Other People”

  1. A portion of our investment and insurance is also with Philam.
    And we’re happy with its performance and support so far.

  2. A lot of people are very skeptical when they’re being offered an insurance.
    Little did they know that more than their car and house insurance, their own lives matter the most.
    That’s why I believe that life insurance is very important.
    It’s just sad that not everybody understands its importance especially those who work for their families and loved ones.

    Anyway, great post! thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thanks Becca.
      In my opinion, having a life insurance is something that should not be taken for granted.
      Like you said, we invest for our car and house insurance but we often ignore/forget about having our own life insurance.

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